Martin Miniard, 55, faces sentencing for the reckless homicide of Joshua A. Seymour in Evansville this January

Evansville: So, there’s this guy, Martin Miniard, who pleaded guilty to reckless homicide for the death of Joshua A. Seymour back in July. The sentencing is coming up on January 23. It all started when police found Seymour dead in a home on East Louisiana Street, apparently from a shotgun blast.
Miniard, who’s 55, was initially charged with murder but changed his plea just before his trial was set to start. A woman, who was Miniard’s girlfriend at the time, found Seymour dead when she got home. She described a gruesome scene with blood everywhere.
According to the police, Seymour was living on and off with her. The night of the incident, she and Miniard had a heated discussion about their relationship. She got upset and went for a walk, and that’s when she heard a loud bang. When she came back, Miniard told her to call for help.
Miniard took off in a Dodge Caravan, but witnesses said they saw him shoot Seymour and even heard him confess. It’s a pretty wild story, and now Miniard is waiting to find out his fate in court.