A Michigan man is suing Luxor Casino after suffering severe injuries from an electric shock in a hotel room

Newaygo County: A former teacher from Michigan is taking legal action against the Luxor casino in Las Vegas. He claims he got an electric shock from a faulty lamp in his hotel room.
David Van Horn filed the lawsuit in Nevada’s Eighth Judicial District Circuit Court. He says the casino was negligent and didn’t keep the hotel room safe.
Van Horn reports that the shock caused him severe pain and led to a traumatic brain injury, a concussion, and worsened his PTSD. He now deals with memory issues, dizziness, and even stuttering, which forced him to retire early from teaching.
His lawsuit seeks compensation for medical bills and lost wages due to the incident. Luxor is run by MGM Resorts International, but they haven’t commented yet.
According to the lawsuit, Van Horn and his wife were staying at the Luxor on November 26, 2023. When he tried to turn on a lamp, he says he was violently thrown back, hitting his head and falling to the floor.
The suit argues that Luxor should have known about the dangerous condition in the room and either fixed it or warned guests. Van Horn believes his injuries are a direct result of the casino’s negligence.
For more information, you can reach out to David Danzis at ddanzis@reviewjournal.com or call 702-383-0378. You can also follow him on X at AC2Vegas_Danzis.