Will Kulp addresses rumors about his relationship with Emmy Sharrett in a revealing clip from Southern Hospitality
Charleston: So, there’s been a lot of buzz about Will Kulp and Emmy Sharrett on Season 3 of Southern Hospitality. It all started with some wild rumors about Kulp ranting about Emmy while he was drunk.
In a sneak peek from tonight’s episode, his friends TJ Dinch and Bradley Carter finally confront him about those comments. They ask how things are going with Emmy, and Kulp admits it’s better when he’s not in law school.
He explains that the stress from school sometimes makes him project his frustrations onto their relationship. But then, things get real when they bring up that drunken night at Republic where he vented to some random folks.
Even though fans are hoping it’s just gossip, Kulp fesses up. “Did it happen? Yeah,” he says, owning up to it. The episode promises to dive deeper into their conversation, and it looks like things might get rocky for the couple.
In a chat with DECIDER, Dinch and Carter shared how tough it was to talk to Kulp about this. They felt it became a bigger deal when he started airing his grievances to people who aren’t invested in their relationship.
Dinch pointed out that if Kulp had kept his feelings private, it wouldn’t have blown up like this. Now, it’s out there, and he doesn’t want either of them to look bad. Southern Hospitality airs Thursday nights at 8/7c on Bravo, and you can catch new episodes on Peacock the next day.