WSSC Water urges its 1.9 million customers to conserve water due to rising breaks and leaks in the system

Right now, they’re dealing with at least 47 breaks and leaks. If you notice any water issues or smell chlorine, which is used to keep drinking water safe, you should call (301) 206-4002. You can also report problems through the WSSC Water App.
To help avoid a Boil Water Advisory and save water for emergencies, WSSC suggests a few tips. Try to use water only when you really need it—like taking shorter showers and turning off the faucet right after you use it. Also, limit toilet flushing and cut back on using washing machines and dishwashers.
WSSC has brought in extra crews to find and fix any unreported leaks. They’re shutting down broken mains to keep the system pressure up, which might mean longer repair times and some water outages or low pressure.
This situation is still developing, so stay tuned for updates.