An employee expresses hurt over lack of sympathy from her workplace after losing her husband

She noticed that when others had babies or minor health issues, the company sent flowers and gifts. But for her, there was silence. It left her feeling unappreciated and hurt. She wondered if it was too much to expect a simple card or a small gesture of support from her employer.
The lack of acknowledgment made her think about quitting. She felt that her expectations for empathy were reasonable. Grief is tough, and it’s even harder when you feel invisible at work.
She was encouraged to talk about her feelings, either in counseling or with her management. It might help not just her, but also future employees who might face similar losses.
In another note, she mentioned a friend named Sara, who has been generous but increasingly self-absorbed. Their friendship has become strained, and she’s unsure whether to address it or just distance herself.
Friendships can change over time, and it’s important to find a balance. Setting boundaries might help preserve their relationship while giving her some space.