Solar Project Near Las Vegas Advances Toward Construction Phase

Solar Project Near Las Vegas Advances Toward Construction Phase

A solar project near Las Vegas has received final federal permits to begin construction later this year Solar Project Near Las Vegas Advances Toward Construction Phase Las Vegas: A solar project that’s been the talk of the town just got the green light. It’s called the Rough Hat Clark County Solar Project, and it’s set…

BLM Grants Final Permits for Solar Project Near Pahrump

BLM Grants Final Permits for Solar Project Near Pahrump

The BLM has approved permits for a solar project near Pahrump, allowing construction to start soon. BLM Grants Final Permits for Solar Project Near Pahrump Pahrump: A solar project that’s been the talk of the town just got the green light. The Bureau of Land Management issued the final permits, so construction can kick off…