Trump Excludes Former Pence and Haley Staff from New Administration Jobs

Trump Excludes Former Pence and Haley Staff from New Administration Jobs

President-elect Trump won’t hire anyone linked to Pence, Haley, or others he claims suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome Trump Excludes Former Pence and Haley Staff from New Administration Jobs New York: So, President-elect Donald Trump made it clear on Wednesday that he’s not looking to hire anyone who’s worked for his Republican critics, like Mike…

Ohio GOP Chair Claims Confusing Voters Was a Smart Strategy

Ohio GOP Chair Claims Confusing Voters Was a Smart Strategy

Ohio GOP Chair Alex Triantafilou discusses election strategies and party unity in Fremont Ohio GOP Chair Claims Confusing Voters Was a Smart Strategy Fremont: Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou recently declared that Ohio is no longer a swing state. He made this statement during a special event with the Sandusky County Republican Party. Triantafilou…

Liz Cheney’s Past Work Costs Michael Allen His Trump Transition Role

Liz Cheney’s Past Work Costs Michael Allen His Trump Transition Role

Michael Allen lost his role as a sherpa for John Ratcliffe due to his ties with Liz Cheney, highlighting internal GOP tensions. Liz Cheney’s Past Work Costs Michael Allen His Trump Transition Role Washington: So, here’s the scoop. Michael Allen, a seasoned Republican national security expert, got the boot as the “sherpa” for John Ratcliffe,…