Daycare Updates Are Officially Out of Control and Parents Are Overwhelmed

Daycare Updates Are Officially Out of Control and Parents Are Overwhelmed

Parents are feeling overwhelmed by constant daycare updates, questioning the need for such detailed information about their kids’ daily activities Daycare Updates Are Officially Out of Control and Parents Are Overwhelmed City: Seattle: So, I was having coffee with a mom friend when she picked up her phone and sighed. “That’s my daughter’s second poo…

Why I Regret Marrying a Man with a Well-Paying Job and Its Impact on My Life

Why I Regret Marrying a Man with a Well-Paying Job and Its Impact on My Life

A mother shares her struggles of sacrificing her career for her husband’s job Why I Regret Marrying a Man with a Well-Paying Job and Its Impact on My Life Toronto: A mother is feeling the weight of her husband’s well-paying job. She believes it has cost her dearly—her own career. She shared her story, saying,…