Cities Push for Changes as Electric Car Owners Avoid Gas Tax Payments

Cities Push for Changes as Electric Car Owners Avoid Gas Tax Payments

South Florida cities are concerned about road funding as electric car owners skip gas taxes, prompting calls for legislative changes. Cities Push for Changes as Electric Car Owners Avoid Gas Tax Payments Westlake: As electric cars become more common, cities in South Florida are feeling the pinch. They’re worried about losing out on gas tax…

Can Defense Lawyers Go Too Far? Prosecutors Face Dilemma in Court

Can Defense Lawyers Go Too Far? Prosecutors Face Dilemma in Court

Prosecutors are caught in a tough spot as they investigate defense lawyers’ conduct Can Defense Lawyers Go Too Far? Prosecutors Face Dilemma in Court Broward County: A defendant is facing a tough choice. His lawyer is under investigation for possible misconduct. This could create a conflict of interest for him. Jamell Demons, also known as…