Julia Baker’s home was wrecked in a crash linked to gunfire, leaving her seeking temporary housing and support.

A car, fleeing the gunfire, crashed into her parked vehicle, pushing it into her home and wrecking her living room. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but now she faces a tough road ahead. The village declared her home uninhabitable, and she’s scrambling to find temporary housing while her funds dwindle from hotel stays.
Baker is trying to stay positive, reminding herself it could have been worse. She recalls the moment she jumped off the couch, realizing it could have led to serious injuries. The police responded to the scene, where a man reported he was shot at while driving.
Baker has lived in her neighborhood since 2008 and has heard gunshots before, but never like this. It was shocking. Close friends say she’s been through a lot, having lost two husbands and now dealing with eyesight issues. Despite her struggles, she’s always been the one to help others.
Now, she finds herself in need. Friends have stepped up, and a GoFundMe page has raised some money, but it’s not enough for long-term support. Baker is a renter, and her property is uninsured, leaving her worried about repair costs.
She’s hopeful the driver’s insurance will help, but she’s also anxious about covering expenses herself. With the holidays making it hard to find housing, she’s been reaching out to nonprofits and shelters but hasn’t found any help.
Baker feels like an innocent victim of gun violence, just trying to pick up the pieces. She wishes for an end to such violence, as it affects people who had nothing to do with the situation. Her family is now dealing with the aftermath, and she’s just trying to navigate each day as it comes.