A Tennessee lawmaker has introduced a bill to rename Nashville International Airport in honor of Donald Trump
If this bill passes, the airport authority will have to make a bunch of changes. They’ll need new signs, update trademarks, and revise contracts to reflect the new name.
During the transition, the airport can still use its current name but will add “doing business as Trump International Airport.” If everything goes smoothly, the new name could take effect on January 1, 2026.
This isn’t the first time someone has tried to rename an airport for Trump. Back in April 2024, some House Republicans wanted to rename Washington Dulles International Airport after him too.
Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, who introduced the bill, believes Trump’s leadership has been great for the country. He thinks it would be a powerful message for travelers to hear “Welcome to Trump International Airport” as they arrive.
If this bill goes through, it would be the second airport in the DC area named after a Republican president, following Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Other lawmakers have also expressed support for this idea, saying it’s a fitting tribute to Trump’s presidency.