As President Biden approaches retirement, he considers various activities to fill his time

Biden’s not alone in this; many former presidents have lived well into their 90s. Think about George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter, who just hit the century mark. So, what might Biden do with his newfound free time?
First off, he might want to work on his legacy. Unlike Trump, who’s all about making a comeback, Biden seems more focused on how history will remember him. He hasn’t shared much about his plans, but those close to him say he’s been keeping it pretty tight-lipped.
One idea is to jump into the speaking circuit. Many ex-presidents cash in on speaking gigs, and Biden could use that to boost his popularity. He’s mentioned wanting to be remembered for restoring the economy and America’s global standing.
Interestingly, former presidents often see their approval ratings rise after leaving office. Just look at George W. Bush; he was pretty unpopular at the end but became more liked over time.
Another big task for Biden will be setting up his presidential library, likely in Delaware, where he spent decades as a senator. He’s already got some folks helping him with fundraising, taking a page from Obama’s library project in Chicago.
Biden’s also got to sort through his keepsakes from his time in the White House. He’s known to hold onto memorabilia, but he needs to be careful about what he keeps. There are rules about official documents, and he’s been working with lawyers to manage that.
As for writing another memoir, he hasn’t shown much interest, but who knows? It could help solidify his legacy. He’s written two already, but there were some hiccups with classified info during the process.
Biden might also enjoy being part of the “ex-presidents club.” Former presidents often hang out together at events and support each other. It’s a chance for him to connect with others who’ve held the office, unlike Trump, who hasn’t shown much interest in that camaraderie.
And speaking of connections, Biden has joked about trying his hand at showbiz. He’s made light of needing a job after his presidency, even joking with celebrities like Jessica Alba and Robert De Niro about teaming up.
So, it looks like Biden’s retirement could be anything but boring. He’s got plenty of options to explore as he steps away from the Oval Office.