Burnley Council plans to introduce selective licensing for 3,700 rented homes to improve living conditions and support landlords and tenants
The areas include Trinity, Queensgate, Gannow, Daneshouse, Stoneyholme, and a new spot in Padiham. The changes will kick in on April 27.
This move follows a 10-week consultation with residents, landlords, and other stakeholders. The council aims to improve housing conditions and tackle issues like falling house prices and anti-social behavior.
A spokesperson for Burnley Council mentioned that they prefer to help landlords through training and voluntary accreditation. However, they also take action against those who don’t follow the rules.
Cllr Jack Launer, the housing boss, emphasized that private renters deserve safe and decent homes. While many properties are well-managed, some still lack basic safety features like gas certificates and smoke detectors.
Selective licensing is seen as a key step in addressing these issues and ensuring better living conditions for everyone.