New York’s CDPAP program is set for changes that will benefit home care users and taxpayers while ensuring continued access to services.

New York: There’s been a lot of chatter about changes to the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program, or CDPAP. This program is super important for seniors and folks with disabilities who need home care.
As the health commissioner, I’ve seen a lot of misinformation floating around. Some people are worried that the new state plan will cut off access to their caregivers. But that’s just not true.
Here’s the deal: if you’re using CDPAP now, you’ll still have access to your home care services and can keep your caregiver. No changes there!
Some businesses are spending big bucks on ads claiming this new plan will fail. It’s left many people confused about what’s really happening.
These businesses want to keep things as they are, which has been a bit of a mess. There are too many middlemen taking a cut of Medicaid funds without proper oversight, and that’s driven costs way up.
This chaotic situation isn’t good for anyone. It’s made the program unsustainable and put users and caregivers at risk. Plus, taxpayers are frustrated with stories of Medicaid fraud, like the recent $68 million scheme.
We need centralized oversight to fix these issues and protect everyone involved. The state is teaming up with Public Partnerships LLC to create a stronger CDPAP program.
Don’t worry, though. If you’re already enrolled, you’ll still get the same benefits and can choose your caregiver, whether it’s a family member or a friend.
The big change is that instead of tons of middlemen, PPL will be the only fiscal intermediary. They’ll work with community organizations to keep providing great home care services.
This new setup will help control costs and prevent fraud, making sure CDPAP is around for the long haul.
If you’re a CDPAP user or caregiver, make sure you’re registered with PPL. They’re reaching out to consumers and have resources available to help with the transition.
You can expect to hear from PPL soon, or you can get started by calling their support center or visiting their website.
It’s also a good idea to connect with Independent Living Centers for guidance during this transition.
We take patient privacy seriously, and our team is working hard to protect your information during this change.
We’re committed to making sure everyone in this program is well taken care of. The New York State Department of Health is all about promoting health and well-being for everyone.
McDonald is the New York State health commissioner.