A bizarre shoplifting incident in Florida involved a woman pooping on the floor as her partner stole cleaning supplies worth $500

Mulberry: You won’t believe this wild story! A couple in Florida pulled off a crazy shoplifting stunt that’s hard to forget.
So, here’s the scoop: the woman actually pooped on the floor of a Family Dollar while her partner made a run for it with a cart full of cleaning supplies.
Police are calling them “Mr. Clean” and “Ms. Dookie,” which is just hilarious. They were trying to steal about $500 worth of stuff!
According to the sheriff, they had their roles down. The woman created a distraction while the guy made his getaway. Talk about teamwork!
This all went down around noon on December 18, 2024. They loaded up their cart with all kinds of cleaning products like Gain and Tide.
While she was causing a scene, he just strolled out like it was no big deal. The surveillance footage caught him leaving with a full cart while she followed behind.
Employees were left to deal with the mess, and the couple took off in a white Ford van. If anyone knows anything, the Polk County Sheriff’s Department wants to hear from you!