The trial involves four men accused of a major theft ring stealing valuable items over two decades

The prosecution kicked things off by hinting at some juicy evidence. Assistant U.S. Attorney James Buchanan mentioned that they’ll have witnesses, including a guy named Thomas Trotta, who’s expected to spill the beans on his co-defendants. They’re all facing serious charges for stealing major artwork and other valuable items.
These four men have pleaded not guilty, but the accusations are pretty wild. Over two decades, they allegedly swiped millions in art, antique coins, guns, and even World Series rings from places like museums and galleries across several states.
Trotta was a key player, often leading the charge and physically taking the goods. Defense Attorney Gino Bartolai didn’t hold back either. He called Trotta a thief and a scoundrel, saying he was the mastermind behind the thefts.
There are also four other folks from the area who’ve pleaded guilty in connection with this case. One of them, Daryl Rinker, sadly passed away earlier this year. The rest are waiting for their sentences.
After the opening statements, the judge called for a lunch break. The afternoon will see more defense arguments from the other guys involved. Keep an eye out for updates on this unfolding story!