Aries, others’ actions could bother you. You might not want to admit it. The Moon meets Pluto, so you may not want to criticize those who seem to suffer. It’s fine to keep your thoughts private. Understanding your feelings can keep you grounded.
Taurus, you might feel driven to succeed now. The Moon joins Pluto, so you might use emotions to get power. Be careful! Others could see through this. Is the prize worth creating resentment? You must accept the cost if you think so.
Gemini, an interesting idea could grab you. That’s okay if you have time. Ask what answers you need now. Mercury meets Saturn, so you may want to know your purpose. Thinking is good, but learning by doing helps, too.
Cancer, pay attention to the rules in your life. The Moon joins Pluto, and an interaction might confuse you. Your expectations probably differed! Understand where they came from and why they failed. Even if you don’t like the answer, you can plan better next time.
Leo, know the limits of your relationships. Emotions can be intense. You might want to change things fast! If routines work, remember why. Mercury meets Saturn, and you should think about boundaries. Change is good sometimes, so choose with care.
Virgo, talk about expectations with others. You might work hard for them. Resentment can grow if they don’t notice your efforts the way you want. Maybe they didn’t ask you to do that work. Mercury joins Saturn, meaning you need to hear their side. Avoid assumptions.
Libra, wanting pleasure could be strong. Maybe this highlights important tasks. Mercury joins Saturn. You are likely willing to work for what matters. Tasks that waste time reveal themselves now. Enjoy freeing yourself from them!
Scorpio, you need creative solutions. The Moon joins Pluto. Family disruptions may change your plans. You probably can’t do everything. Luckily, you can likely handle a top priority. Focus there; other things can wait.
Sagittarius, expect what’s realistic from people. Maybe you want someone’s help, but they aren’t helping. Making them feel guilty may seem useful. If it’s not their job, admit that. Acknowledge wanting help, but know when to stop.
Capricorn, money worries might arise. If it’s too much, start by finding out why. Mercury joins Saturn. Talking or writing about it could help show the problem’s parts. You might fix some issues right away. Even if you can’t fix all of it, know what you face!
Aquarius, avoid being too forceful! The Moon and Pluto join in your sign. You might charm people. But you know what works. Don’t hide this side! Avoid assuming others can’t make wise choices. Be confident in the facts.
Pisces, much may happen behind the scenes. You can sort it. Mercury joins Saturn. Share only the most important things. Accept unsolved mysteries. Know what is yours to handle alone. Letting others in could lead to more confusion.