A grandmother fears her ex-husband will prevent her from seeing their grandchild after a family move

She’s feeling torn. On one hand, she wants to be close to her grandson. On the other, she remembers how controlling her ex was during their marriage. It’s a real struggle for her to think about being near him again.
She wonders if she should just go for it and move back, hoping for the best. It’s a big decision, and she’s not sure what to do. But she’s also aware that she’s stronger now than she was 20 years ago.
In a separate note, another reader is dealing with a tricky situation with her mother-in-law. The mother-in-law has a habit of taking food from her plate without asking, which makes her uncomfortable. She’s tried to get her husband to talk to his mom about it, but he’s hesitant.
The advice given is to stand up for herself. Next time, she should just smile and offer her mother-in-law a piece from her plate. It’s all about setting boundaries, right?