Moscow officials are considering options for the vacant Sixth and Jackson corner, including a market or food truck area

Recently, MURA met with the city council to chat about their past efforts and future plans. They’ve been trying to develop this corner since they bought it back in 2010. The idea was to extend the University of Idaho’s Hello Walk, creating a nice link between downtown and the campus.
They’ve also tried to get a mixed-use retail space going there, but it hasn’t worked out. The last attempt fell through because of high costs and some tricky soil issues that made it tough for developers Carly Lilly and George Skandalos to build.
City Administrator Bill Belknap mentioned that finding a private developer willing to take on such an expensive project is a real challenge right now. MURA member Nancy Tribble added that it’s tough for developers to fit the Hello Walk into their plans while also leaving room for buildings and parking.
That’s why MURA and the city council are open to exploring other options.