Hollywood stars often announce retirements that are short-lived and self-serving
Take Cameron Diaz, for example. She “retired” a decade ago but is back in action with a Netflix film. She even called her time off the “best 10 years” of her life. Sounds like a great PR move, right?
Then there’s Jim Carrey, who announced his retirement in 2022 but was back on screen less than two years later. He joked about needing the cash but also mentioned he was just “power-resting.”
And let’s not forget Daniel Day-Lewis, who has retired multiple times. He left acting to become a shoemaker, only to return again. It’s like he can’t stay away!
It’s not that retiring is bad; many people do it. But in Hollywood, it’s all about the drama. Stars want the spotlight even when they claim they don’t. It’s a bit ironic, don’t you think?
While regular folks might shy away from a retirement party, celebs seem to crave the attention. It’s a strange world where saying you’re done means you’re really just getting started.