Celebrity Trainer Reveals Simple 17/20 Rule for Staying Fit and Healthy

Magnus Lygdbäck shares his balanced 17/20 nutrition approach for enjoying food without guilt

Celebrity Trainer Reveals Simple 17/20 Rule for Staying Fit and Healthy
Celebrity Trainer Reveals Simple 17/20 Rule for Staying Fit and Healthy

Los Angeles: Magnus Lygdbäck is a personal trainer who’s worked with big names like Gal Gadot and Ben Affleck. He has a straightforward approach to nutrition that avoids restrictions and guilt. His 17/20 rule means that 17 out of 20 meals should be healthy, while the other three can be whatever you fancy.

He emphasizes that “on point” meals should include good protein, healthy fats, slow carbs, and plenty of veggies. Slow carbs are things like oats, rice, and whole-wheat bread. For those three meals, he encourages enjoying life—think pasta, dessert, or a glass of wine.

Lygdbäck works in four-day cycles, where you eat five meals a day. After four days, you start fresh with your 20 meals. He believes in balance, saying, “I don’t exclude foods. I eat what I like, but not all the time.”

When prepping meals, he suggests using your hands for portion sizes. For lunch and dinner, aim for a fistful of protein, a fistful of carbs or fats, and two fistfuls of veggies. This isn’t a strict rule but a guideline to help you find what works for you.

His approach focuses on happiness and balance, steering clear of extreme diets. He wants people to enjoy food without feeling guilty. If you stray from your goals, just get back on track. “It’s not about punishing yourself; it’s about structure,” he says. So, if you have a few off meals, don’t sweat it—focus on the good ones instead!

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