An Indiana man faces new charges after fleeing to Canada instead of reporting to prison for his role in the Capitol riot

He got caught by Canadian immigration last week in British Columbia. Now, he’s facing a new charge for not showing up to serve his time for the Capitol riot.
Vo, 32, was part of that pro-Trump mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6. He even took a selfie with an American flag while his mom was there too. They both got in trouble for it.
After the riot, he couldn’t stop bragging about it to his friends and on social media. He even texted, “stormed the f*** out of [the Capitol] with my mom lol.”
He was found guilty of some misdemeanors in September 2023 and was supposed to start his nine-month sentence last June. But instead of turning himself in, he just took off to Canada.
Before getting arrested, he was posting all over social media about how he was seeking asylum from the “Biden regime.” But it looks like that plan backfired.
If he’s found guilty of not surrendering, he could get up to a year added to his sentence. And since he only had misdemeanors, he’ll have to serve that time after his original nine months.
Oh, and his mom, Annie, is in the same boat. She’s facing the same charges and has pleaded not guilty. Her trial is set for March.