Three people were injured in two separate shootings in Brooklyn, including a 15-year-old boy shot in a deli
The teen was hit in the left ankle on Chauncey Street in Stuyvesant Heights around 7 p.m. Thankfully, he’s in stable condition at Maimonides Medical Center.
Later, a 32-year-old woman showed up at the same hospital with a graze wound to her right chest. She’s also stable. It seems the boy was targeted, while the woman was just an innocent bystander.
No arrests have been made yet. Police are on the lookout for a man in an orange winter jacket with a fur-trimmed hood, light blue jeans, and a black facemask.
Then, a couple of hours later, around 9:20 p.m., a 28-year-old man was shot in a deli on Pitkin Avenue in Brownsville. He got hit in the foot and is also in stable condition at Brookdale Hospital.
Authorities are still figuring out if that shooting was targeted or not. It’s a tough situation, and we hope everyone recovers soon.